Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Art Donated for Seneca Pure Waters, Diving Black Labrador Dog Life Ring

Here is another item I have painted as a donation for a fund-raiser. This time it is for Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association, a group dedicated to preserving Seneca Lake and, with it, our drinking water. They chose to have a life saver ring as the item to be painted and auctioned at an up-coming event. I must admit it has proven a challenging surface to paint. I hope everyone will like my design of a Black Labrador Retriever diving in to Save Our Seneca. That is the motto for this event and the letters SOS were a required element in the design. I haven't decided if it is finished yet - I may change the letters and possibly add a few other touches. I am looking forward to the artists reception to see what others did with their rings. All of them will be on display at venues in Geneva and Watkins Glen, NY as well as online on the SLPWA website. I have used my diving Labrador dog design on many wood items. It is nice to use it in a black Lab painting and I'm sure I will use it again, perhaps a painting on canvas next time.

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