Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Painted Furniture Donation for a Good Cause

I have been painting furniture for the Yates County ARC "Chair-ish" Auction for several years now. This year I was given this nice cabinet to add any design I like. Since I mostly paint dogs it is fun to do something different now and then.

The possibilities seem endless as with each new furniture shape I spend even more time trying to decide what to paint than actually doing it. Then, no matter how much I plan ahead the projects take on a new direction as my brush touches the surface. I like these jobs that can be so free to float wherever the paint and my momentary whims take them. Yes, sometimes at the end I think I would have done it differently had I followed a plan to get where I got, but these are learning experiences and I enjoy them. It seems those who bid at the auction enjoy the finished products too.

The painting on this cabinet was inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh designs, but it went it's own way as I got going. I let it flow and intended to use a variety of colors, but something struck me at this simple green and white stage and I decided to stay with it. I know everyone is not comfortable with a lot of the vivid color I normally am drawn to use, so here's hoping those who prefer a more subdued palette will bid high on this piece and raise lots of funds for non-profit ARC's work.

While I have not painted many flower designs, I am an avid gardener and can't resist photographing my favorite blooms. You can find prints of the best garden flower photographs in my Dogs and Flowers Print Shop and on a variety of clothes, home and gift products at my OtterTail Art for Dog Lovers shop.

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