Friday, November 13, 2015

Rally Obedience Title for young Black Labrador

Is that a look of disbelief?  You can't imagine that I waited so long to announce your first AKC title?  Let's get right to it! 

Black Labrador, Mooki, earned  his Rally Novice obedience title at the Wine Country dog show circuit in New York at the end of September 2015.  He earned 99 points out of 100 on the first two legs and the judge loudly and pointedly - and politely - told me it was all my fault and not his.  Knock me on the head a few times to remind me that rally is looking for something different than regular obedience!  I finally got my act together so he earned 100 points on the third leg to finish his title.  He got second place and third place the first two days thanks to my error.  We won first place the last day and a nice bag of treats.  Good work for a 17-month-old boy at his first all-breed dog shows, and very large ones at that.  "Overwhelmed" was the word of the weekend.  Onward and upward to more life experiences Mooki.

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