Thursday, March 09, 2006


This is the first entry in my new blog. I had thought about starting a blog for a few months - I don't know that now is the best time, but it is the time. I thought starting a blog 5 weeks ago when I got a new puppy was a grand idea. We could learn and grow together. I didn't find the time then, but I will find it now. It has turned into a very sad time for me in many ways, but perhaps some of what I share will mean something to others who love their Labradors or any dogs as much as I love mine. And I promise to share the joy too - there is so much of that!

Eleven days ago I found out my sweet Oberon has bone cancer and not long to live. Perhaps sitting here at my computer with Obi and my other Labs by my side (and puppy at my feet) and typing some of my thoughts will ease the sorrow. At least it will let anyone reading this get to know us more.

Where to start? In due respect I will start with Holly - my first Lab and first purebred dog. That's her in the photo with snow on her nose. Holly was truly the instigator of it all. She moved in with us as an 8 week old pup, straight out of someone's backyard on an upstate NY January day in 1985. I didn't know better. All of my dogs had been mixes (mostly from much worse places) before Holly. I learned a lot since then. Holly had poor conformation and a host of health problems, but I wouldn't have given up sharing 14 1/2 years of my life with Holly for the world. So we live and learn.

Holly got me interested in purebred dogs and dog shows. We were living in Fairbanks, Alaska and were "on leave" to NY the winter I got Holly. I didn't know anyone, had no place to go, worked at home and shared one car, so I trained Holly myself and we had a lot of fun taking daily drives. Back in Alaska I decided to take a training class as something fun to do with my pal and we were encouraged to enter AKC obedience competition. Holly was a real star and got me involved in dog shows, which lead to my interest in conformation and showing in the breed ring. I was bitten by the Labrador Love Bug.

Then came Leela - and her story will begin in my next post.

As for today - Obi was responding very well to Metacam and truly enjoying himself last week. I bought a big bottle on Monday ($100) with hopes he would live long enough and well enough to use it all. On Tuesday he got the runs. Wednesday he didn't want to eat. Today, on a diet of ground deer and pasta he is hungry as a Lab should be, but we skipped a dose of Metacam to ease his guts. Nothing is ever easy... I cherish each day, each smile he gives me, each cuddle, the smell of his feet, his beautiful gaze and every nunu we can share.

If you read this - thanks for joining me. Say a prayer for Obi's peace and hug your dogs with thankful hearts.

Amy - OtterTail


Anonymous said...

Amy I am so sorry to hear abut Obi's illness. I have 2 labs of my own: Montana a gorgeous 2 year old yellow lab and Dakotamarie, a beautiful 2 year old chocolate lab, my baby girl. I pray for Obi's peace, and yours as well. Thanks for sharing your days with him. The love they give is unmatched isn't it?

OtterTail said...

Thank you for your prayers and kind words, Donna. Yes, the love they give is truly unmatched.