Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rest in Peace

We said good-bye to our beautiful OtterTail Oberon on May 19th. My vet was kind enough to come to our house on his day off and Obi left me in my arms in the comfort of the Reilly bed. He was brave and strong and maintained his happy spirit until the end. Today would have been his 11th birthday. His sister, Gwendolyn, will celebrate without him. We will all go to the pond this afternoon and play his favorite game in memory of our Obi and the joy he brought us. That is what he would have wanted to do today.

Run free of pain and play, Big Ob. You were so special to me.

Away from my side
You will always be with me
Here you will stay forever
Woven into the fabric of my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Amy,
I think of you daily and as I said my thoughts and prayers are with you. Obi will be at your pond today as his spirit will always be all around you. You will see himin your flowers the water at the pond and on the land of OTTER TAIL FARM!