Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lab Tested

This picture is over a year old and includes my lost loves, Obi (bottom left) and Gwen (top right). Eponine (top left) and Marius (bottom right) are still here Labbing me up. It was a fun photo shoot with me wearing one of my "Lab Tested" design t-shirts. As you can see - I am thoroughly tested and Approved!! For those of you who may have purchased this design from my OtterTail Art for Dog Lovers Shop, you now have collectors items. It seems someone has trademarked the term "Lab Tested" and the rest of us are not allowed use it. So, I have revised the design offered in my shop (after a several month absence) to simply say "Tested" in the muddy paws on the front and it still has the same design on the back saying "Approved". It's a funny world with people owning common phrases many of us have used long before they got the idea to take control. The term "Gone Fishing" is also trademarked and threatening the design I have by that name as well. No fear, I can remove the words and adapt my silly fishing dog to stay out of the way of the word police. Pesonally, I will stick with my Labs' attitudes and happy spirits - Life is too short for owning and fighting over words that belong to everyone. Make up your own words or phrases and you deserve to own them - take over common phrases that lots of people have enjoyed for a long time and wallow in your own mire. Not for me - we're moving on. Labs just want to have fun!!

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