Thursday, March 06, 2008

Yellow Labrador Retriever Portrait Painting

This smiling yellow Labrador Retriever was a fun portrait to paint. Her name is Chamois and she travels internationally with her family. That is an exciting lifestyle for a rescue dog! Chamois has what is known as "dudley" pigment - her nose and eye rims are pink rather than the desired black. But she is still a cutie and a wonderful Lab. Who could resist that big, silly smile?! This custom dog portrait painting is done in my simplified, abstract style. It is an original acrylic on canvas, an exciting size at 24" x 30". The background colors and style were selected to match the client's requests. I will be making prints of this yellow Lab painting available with a portion of profits donated to support Lab rescue. I will also put this funny dog portrait on greeting cards and gifts in my OtterTail Art for Dog Lovers Shop. To see other original Labrador paintings plus fun paintings of other animals visit my OtterTail Lab Art website. Click on this link for examples and prints of some of my other custom dog portraits and Lab paintings.


Anonymous said...


I am not sure which "blog" I should post to! My first Lab had "dudley" third Lab was named Rudy (as in Rudy's rescue)............I am a Giants fan so ELI really touched me........I too have recently experienced (too many times) the rainbow bridge.........I know you from my purchases at Mid Jersey Labrador Retriever Specialty......allthough life threw me some curves, so it has been a few years! It was a gift to stumble on you again! Please know that everything I ever bought from you is treasured.............thanks for sharing your gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND yes although many other "luxuries" are not a part of my life now, Labradors are! In fact I'm not sure what my life would be without them!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy. Thank you for your nice comments about my Lab Art!! It's always fun to hear from other Lab lovers who share some of my experiences. I also stopped going to the specialty shows quite a few years ago due to life changes, but have enjoyed a handful in the past couple of years -- though as a spectator only, without my Lab Art booth or dogs entered. Now there is a new puppy on my horizon and I couldn't be more excited!!! Check back for updates.

Thanks for writing!

Anonymous said...

I will check back!!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck with your new "bundle of love"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cindy