Thursday, July 24, 2008

Labrador Dogs follow a good Pack Leader

Labrador Retrievers, like all dogs, love a good pack leader. Here is a new design featuring black Labs, yellow Labs and chocolate Labs. Similar Pack Leader Labrador designs are available with black and chocolate Labs or black and yellow Labradors in my OtterTail Art for Dog Lovers Shop on t-shirts and other fun clothing, stickers, hats, mugs and lots of great products. Even if you only have one dog, you should be a strong, kind and inspiring pack leader for your canine friend. I am a fan of Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, and his message to dog owners to be calm, assertive pack leaders by providing exercise, discipline, and affection, so my design shows the results. Three Labs walk calmly and happily and enjoy following their leader. I use some different tactics to address my dogs and the dogs that I rescue (I use clicker training primarily), but I am inspired by Cesar's energy and I can adapt my techniques to Cesar's ideas or follow his example with rescues and foster dogs who arrive with issues. Be inspired yourself, inspire you dogs by your nurturing guidance and proudly let everyone know you are the Pack Leader!

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