Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pretty Black Labrador Portrait of a Dancer

This was a fun portrait to paint!  Pretty girl, Maggie, was a dance partner with her person.  They enjoyed participating in Canine Freestyle.   Here she is in her fancy dance collar, ready for the show.  No doubt if you are a dog lover you have seen videos of some of the fun dog-and-person dance routines.

Maggie crossed over a few years ago.  It was my privilege to honor her with this memorial portrait painting.  I know her person will treasure it forever.

During the progress of this Labrador dog portrait painting I took some time to communicate with Maggie.  I have been doing animal communication for 6 months or so and it has opened up a new world for me!  Maggie told me how much she loved dancing with her partner.  She said sometimes she comes back and tries to get in the way now when her person is practicing with another dog.  Her presence has been felt!

I love the way this painting turned out - as does the owner - such a sweet remembrance!  Please visit my OtterTail Dog Art website for information and contact me to commission a portrait of your own!


Unknown said...

My name is Vince Stead and I just got done checking out your site and really liked it. We make dog books in Paperback, Digital and Audio too. You can see them at Fun2ReadBooks and the audio books are very fun to listen to. Thank you very much and I really enjoyed visiting your site!

OtterTail said...

Thank you for visiting my site and for your nice comments Vince.